- 来自巴格达的报道(路透社)用鞋袭击美国总统乔治w布什的伊拉克记者现在成为国内谈论话题的焦点:支持者称赞其为民族英雄而政府却抨击其行为野蛮而且可耻。
- Baghdad ( reuters ) the iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at u.s. president george w. bush has become the talk of iraq , hailed by marchers as a national hero but blasted by the government as a barbarian .
- 但是,自查普曼归国后,她几乎已是民族英雄。
- However , since her return , chapman has become something of a national hero .
- 上个月,一个叫ahmedal-shahat的年轻人,绰号为旗手,被人们称之为民族英雄,因其攀登上以色列大楼并用巴勒斯坦旗帜换下了大卫之星。
- Last month a young man called ahmed al-shahat , dubbed " the flagman " , was hailed as a national hero for scaling the israeli building and replacing the star of david with a palestinian banner .