- 和别人共用毛巾是导致结膜炎的主要途径,这种传染病也叫红眼病。
- Sharing face towels is a great way to get conjunctivitis , the infection also known as pinkeye .
- 不停地换纸巾直到纸巾再也吸不到水分为止。
- Change the towels again and again until they no longer absorb moisture .
- 摆放好把在烧烤之后用来吸西瓜汁的装有纸巾的盘子。
- Line a plate with paper towels to catch the juices of the watermelon after grilling .
- 他在餐巾纸顶部画了四条线,然后又画了第五条。
- He marked four lines at the top of the napkin , then a fifth .
- 但要注意的是:餐巾纸的颜色与所穿衬衣的颜色要相搭配。
- But try not to clash the colour of your napkin with your shirt .
- 你们是否拿过额外的一张餐巾纸,或两张,或20张?
- Eg. do you ever take an extra napkin , or two , or 20 ?