- 然而这次工会运动存在着分歧。
- But the union movement is split .
- 这也是医生产生分歧的地方。
- That 's where doctors are split .
- 这一抉择让一些家庭出现分歧。
- The decision has split some families .
- 如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。
- If the cops can retrace the suspect 's path , they can potentially crack the case .
- 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。
- Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .
- 还有一种可能就是,地基墙有裂缝,水才渗了进来。
- Another possibility is that the foundation wall has a crack that 's allowing water to penetrate .
- 自从地震发生以来,警方已几次赶来驱散示威家长。
- Police have been deployed to break up several parent protests since the earthquake .
- 政府命令出警驱散集会的群众,最终导致冲突,多人受伤并受到拘捕。
- Officials ordered the police to break up the rally resulting in clashes injuries and arrests .
- 她的联盟很可能会分裂。
- Her coalition would probably break up .
- 我问你,你说你爸的那些事都是真的吗?
- Let me ask you something.is it aii true about your pa ?
- 爸爸说我要在这里呆一整天。
- Pa says I have to stay here all day .
- 晚上爸爸狠狠地说了他一顿。
- Pa gave him a good talking-to in the evening .
- 仅博柏利伦敦总部的员工就来自四十个国家。
- Forty nationalities are represented in burberry 's london office alone .
- 博柏利(Burberry)首席执行官安吉拉•阿伦德。
- Angela ahrendts , ceo of burberry .
- 巴宝莉的成功持续了几十年。
- Burberry 's success continued throughout the decades .