- 这是典型的道德难题。
- It was the classic moral dilemma .
- 这给奥巴马提出了一个难题。
- This presents mr obama with a dilemma .
- 全球经济面临进退维谷的困境。
- The global economy faces a dilemma .
- 我快神经错乱啦,耐莉,她嚷道,扑到沙发上。
- I 'm nearly distracted , nelly , she exclaimed , throwing herself on the sofa .
- 耐莉,恐怕我要白费劲了,他小声对我说。
- I am afraid , nelly , I shall lose my labour , he muttered to me .
- 她的言行举止假正经,在学校里不讨人喜欢。
- Her nice nelly behaviour made her unpopular at school .