- 他的父亲是一名火车工程师。
- His father was a locomotive engineer .
- 现在看看环境卫生工程师彼得森怎么做吧。
- Enter environmental hygiene engineer pettersson .
- 西摩先生也算是一位工程师。
- Mr seymour too is an engineer of sorts .
- 工程连和工兵连的士兵在训练中清理地雷
- The engineer and sapper company cleared a field of mines during its training .
- 二战快结束时,在意大利的古老村庄中有一位烧伤受害者、一位护士、一个窃贼,和一个对壕兵在一起。
- A burn victim , a nurse , a thief , and a sapper find themselves in each others company in an old italian villa close to the end of world war ii .
- 它还揭露称军队司令官们两年前采购了27辆高尔夫球车他们将这些球车说成是给军队医院购买的机动轮椅、以及给工兵部队购买的轨道侦察车。
- It also revealed that army commanders had procured 27 golf carts two years ago by passing them off as mechanised wheelchairs for military hospitals and as track alignment reconnaissance vehicles for sapper units .
- 我们公司有很多能干的工程师正准备在这方面下功夫。
- There are capable engineers who are about to do that .
- 多年以来,谷歌工程师一直在奋力追赶MapQuest。
- For years , google engineers struggled to catch up to mapquest .
- 你的员工全是工程师、产品经理或设计师。
- Your employees are all engineers or product people or designers .