- 体积堪比小型岛屿的蓝色壮丽冰山漂浮在该城海港外的水域;其冰层峡湾为格陵兰冰盖上7%的土地排水防涝。
- Majestic blue icebergs the size of small islands float outside its harbour ; its ice fjord drains 7 % of the area of the greenland ice sheet .
- 在寒冷的峡湾里有一块狭长的石岬,离市中心只有一小段渡轮的距离,奥斯陆在这里建立了一个著名船只的国家公墓。
- Out in the cold fjord , on a spit of rocky land just a short ferry ride from the city center , oslo has created a kind of national cemetery for famous ships .
- 小屋坐落在高纬度北极地区峡湾边一座几乎是垂直的山岩下,从最近的有人居住的地方到此地,狗拉的雪橇要走一个星期。
- The hut stands at the foot of a near vertical wall of rock in an icy fjord in the high arctic , a week away by dog sled from the nearest human settlement .
- 斯堪的纳维亚半岛的峡湾风光怎么有一个狮身人面象,神了!
- The scandinavian peninsula fiord scene , an image of sphinx , my god !
- 卫星海洋遥感;海冰形成;海湾海洋学;潮汐物理。
- Tidal physics ; fiord oceanography ; sea ice formation ; satellite ocean remote sensing .
- 很快,来自格赖斯湾(加拿大北极高地上一个偏远的因纽特人村)的其他居民乘机动雪车跋涉50英里来到这里破冰打洞,使鲸鱼可以呼吸。
- Soon other residents from grise fiord , a remote inuit hamlet in the canadian high arctic , traveled 50 miles by snowmobile to break holes in the ice so the whales could breathe .
- 罗浮敦群岛因其“纵深、平静的海湾”和“起伏、多岩石的山峰”而获此殊荣。
- Lofoten won praise for its " deep , placid fjords , " and " jagged , rocky peaks . "
- 最多的曲折发生在开始时的两天,暴风雪迫使船长放弃了前往奥克尼和设得兰群岛的计划,转而前往风平浪静的挪威海湾。
- Most of them occurred on the first two days , when stormy weather forced the captain to abandon plans to visit orkney and shetland , and make a run for the calmer waters of the norwegian fjords .
- 一条定于2019年投运,通往挪威的联网线路,届时可以使用多余的风电,将水抽到峡湾顶端的水库。
- A 900km interconnector to norway , due to open by 2019 , would enable excess wind energy to pump water into storage lakes above the fjords .