- 烹饪锅的调味剂是一种产自附近山坡上的岩盐晶体,这类东西平时得花点钱才能从隔壁的如家熟食店买的到。
- Flavour for the cooking pot came from crystals of rock salt sourced from the nearby mountain slopes the sort of stuff people paid a fortune for in my neighbourhood deli back home .
- 铁轨周围结冰的泥土会造成火车脱轨,岩盐可以使泥土保持松软。
- Freezing mud that reached track level could derail a train , and rock salt kept the mud soft .
- 烹饪锅的调味剂是一种产自附近山坡上的岩盐晶体,这类东西平时得花点钱才能从隔壁的如家熟食店买的到。
- Flavour for the cooking pot came from crystals of rock salt sourced from the nearby mountain slopes the sort of stuff people paid a fortune for in my neighbourhood deli back home .