- 岩石在下游大约80米处。
- The rock is about 80m downstream .
- 化石通常是嵌在岩石块中。
- Fossils usually come embedded in rock .
- 蜡烛被搁在了一块岩石之上。
- It was standing on a rock .
- 关于财政悬崖的讨论会得出什么结果?
- How will the fiscal cliff talks end ?
- 有没有沿着悬崖驾驶很有名的人呢?
- Has anyone famous ever driven off a cliff ?
- 法院怎么会走到悬崖边呢?
- How does a court go over the cliff ?
- 他们登上一块又一块的@岩。
- They surmount one crag after another .
- 猫场镇狗吊岩村孩子们的眼光一直在他脑海中闪现。
- The maochang town dog crag village children always appeared in his mind .
- 山南峭壁之下的圆通寺,是云南昆明城区最大的古刹。
- Yuantong temple is under the crag of the south of mountain , is the biggest ancient temple of kunming city area in yunnan .
- 那已经是相当多要追踪的岩石了。
- That 's already an awful lot of rocks to track .
- 当我们摩擦两块石头却一无所获时,会感到十分痛苦。
- It can be excruciating when we 're rubbing two rocks together and getting nothing .
- 好吧,我承认我并没有往教室里运石头。
- O.k. , I confess : I haven 't really carted rocks into classrooms .