- 当faraday回到岛上的时候。
- When faraday returned to the island .
- 我再也没有回岛上去过。
- I haven 't been back to the island .
- 这样破坏了岛上的生态系统.
- This destroyed the ecosystem of the island .
- 他说,去小岛的旅途要开很久的车深入路易斯安那湿地,然后坐上一艘船“你希望开船的人知道路怎么走,在湿地通路上是很容易迷路的。”
- But , he went on , " getting to isle derniere is a chore , then and now . " Basically , he said , the trip involves driving deep into the louisiana marshes and getting into a boat with someone " you hope knows the way . It is easy get lost in the marsh channels . "
- 无论读者是成年于美国,澳大利亚,新西兰,还是偏远的英联邦,在20世纪50年代以后接触的诗歌和小说首先无外乎都是莎士比亚的权杖之岛。
- Whether we as readers came of age in the americas , the antipodes or elsewhere in the far-flung commonwealth , the poems and novels we encountered in the last half of the 20th century came first and foremost from shakespeare 's scepter 'd isle .
- 这里有极好的休闲运动,而且有专业的指导,如潜水、划皮艇、骑自行车,岛外还有个草木蔓生的小岛用来探险。
- There 's excellent snorkeling , kayaking , biking-plus a sprawling isle to explore beyond the property , ideally with a professional guide .