
[ˌkɑ:lə'rædoʊˌ -'rɑ:doʊ]


Colorado 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Another bright spot is colorado 's nascent renewable energy sector .
- 另外一个亮点是科罗拉多建造中的再生资源部门。
- I had frequent contact with one of their colorado counsel .
- 我和他们其中一个科罗拉多的律师有过密切的联系。
- But that ` s not enough for one colorado city .
- 但是,这还不能足以满足一个科罗拉多州。
- Robert hardaway is a law professor at the university of denver in colorado .
- 罗伯特哈达威是科罗拉多州但佛大学的一位法律教授。
- There were also sizeable earthquakes this week in colorado and central peru .
- 本周科罗拉多州和秘鲁中部均有较大震级的地震发生。
- This highway spanned further to greeley , colorado in 1931 .
- 1931年,这条公路进一步延伸至科罗拉多州格里利。
- Colorado is still getting used to being a swing state .
- 作为一个摇摆州,科罗拉多仍处在逐渐适应的过程中。
- David initially tested t-shirt launchers with a partner from the colorado rockies .
- 大卫最初和一个来自科罗拉多洛矶山的伙伴尝试过t恤发射器。
- Colorado startup lijit is best known for providing websites with really good search .
- 位于科罗拉多的创业公司lijit以提供优质的搜索服务而闻名。
- The grand canyon is known for its wide vistas over the raging colorado river .
- 大峡谷因其汹涌澎湃的科罗拉多河的广泛前景而闻名于世。