- 通过考查阿尔泰语系部分民族的民歌可知,在其民间音乐中都或多或少地存在着与蒙古族长调牧歌相似的歌词内容和旋律形态。
- Investigating part of the altaic folk song we find their folk music is somewhat similar to the mongolian pastoral song in the content of the words and the form of melody .
- 随着蝴蝶,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。
- Como la mariposa , folk song for 2 voices & piano trio .
- 钢琴曲百鸟朝凤对于原曲调来说,是一种全新的创作;钢琴有宽广的音域,节奏能变化自如,和声织体丰富多彩,能够创造出更加艺术化。
- The piano arrangement of this folk song is very innovative , because the piano has a very wide range of sonority and a tremendous capacity for rhythmic and harmonic variability , creating an artistic birds-singing picture .