- 再者,经营杂志是一件昂贵而费时的工作制订审议步骤,运行it系统以及让论文容易查找都不便宜这些花费必须在别的地方得到补偿。
- Moreover , running journals is an expensive and time-consuming business managing the peer-review process , running it systems and making papers findable does not come cheap and these costs have to be met from somewhere .
- 正如便宜机票可能由于航空公司增加的多项额外费用而变得昂贵一样,当加上机载设备等额外费用时,初看上去合算的飞机价格会很快攀升,让实际价格更加捉摸不定。
- And just as airlines can make cheap tickets expensive with lots of additional fees , a jetliner that starts out looking like a bargain may quickly cost more when extras such as onboard equipment get added to the tab , further clouding the actual price .
- 再者,经营杂志是一件昂贵而费时的工作制订审议步骤,运行it系统以及让论文容易查找都不便宜这些花费必须在别的地方得到补偿。
- Moreover , running journals is an expensive and time-consuming business managing the peer-review process , running it systems and making papers findable does not come cheap and these costs have to be met from somewhere .