- 卫斯理是一家运动鞋公司的广告经理。
- Wesley is an advertising manager at an athletic shoe company .
- 该集团尤其关注服装与鞋履品牌的投资机会。
- The group is looking in particular to buy clothes and shoe brands .
- 鞋产量回到了危机前的水平。
- Shoe production is back at pre-crisis levels .
- 7鞋子和拖鞋还留在一家废弃的小旅店门前的。
- 7 Shoes and slippers are left in the front entrance of a small abandoned hotel .
- 顶部饰有绒球的拖鞋会满足那些未来芭蕾舞团首席女演员愿望。
- Slippers crowned with tulle pom-poms will satisfy the longings of future prima-ballerinas .
- 对于一家四星级宾馆而言,标准间如果不配浴衣和拖鞋就太奇怪了。
- Standard rooms have no bathrobes and slippers which is strange for a four-star hotel .