- 玩耍可能无异于杀害他!
- Playing could actually kill him !
- 但是,这些无人机也杀害了许多平民。
- But they also kill a lot of civilians .
- 但是恐惧不能杀死任何生物。
- But fright cannot kill anything .
- 独立的消息称并没有发生大屠杀。
- Independent sources said no massacre took place .
- 段在屠杀事件后被罢免了并于1936年去世。
- Duan was deposed after the massacre and died of natural causes in 1936 .
- 这样的屠杀地点很多,而这些仅是最近发现的几处。
- And these massacre sites are only the latest of many such discoveries .
- 这场战争导致了欧洲大陆的分裂,接下来的300年完全是“大屠杀”的300年。
- The war brought about the fragmentation of continental europe , followed by 300 years of utter carnage .
- 他们所拍摄的大屠杀画面是邪恶的格鲁吉亚士兵放肆地杀戮奥赛梯平民,并试图抢夺他们的视频储存卡。
- They run through scenes of carnage as wicked georgian soldiers wantonly kill ossetian civilians and try to seize their memory card .
- 尽管欧洲大陆上的大屠杀已经开始,但是欧洲的人民对于危机的意识却没有美国和英国人民那么强烈。
- Despite the carnage in continental europe , the sense of crisis among the population is not yet as great as in america or britain .
- 他们也许过于成功了。
- Perhaps they were too successful .
- 还需要更多的改革。
- More reform is needed too .
- 他们还欢呼、跳舞。
- They yell and dance too .