- 信息是最明显的类别。
- Information is the most obvious category .
- 这类国家也在快速增加。
- The category has also grown fast .
- 评论和引用都是这个类别的。
- Comments and trackbacks are in this category .
- 志贺氏菌属的成员和几个大肠干菌的强毒株,在它们侵入人体时释放出志贺毒素。
- Members of the genus shigella and several virulent strains of escherichia coli release the shiga toxin when they invade the body .
- 这些新发现的物种属于apomys属,其特征已被描述在最新的fieldiana期刊上。
- All of the new species belong to the genus apomys and are described in the latest issue of fieldiana .
- 一种蚂蚁属于一个今天只有在澳大利亚还存在的属。
- One species of ant belongs to a genus that is only found alive today in australia .
- 伊朗的核爆炸试验是二者的结合。
- An iranian bomb threatens to combine them both .
- 在一个碗里合并所有干的材料。
- In one bowl combine all of the dry ingredients .
- 在另一个碗里合并所有湿的材料。
- In a separate bowl combine all of the wet ingredients .
- 热带旧大陆一个附生或陆生兰花属;最普遍的兰花属之一。
- Genus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial old world orchids ; one of the most popular orchid genera .
- 她认为我们是哪一类人?
- Which genera of people does she think of us ?
- 单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。
- Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species .
- 但是是哪一种上帝呢?
- But what kind of god ?
- 这是一种情感的宣泄。
- A kind of emotional reflex .
- 到底是什么样的临界点?
- What kind of tipping point ?