- 较好的选择是倒如罐子中,把那些多余的食物碎屑和长丝和冰冻后立即拿出的小鸟蛋糕从流水线上分出来。
- A better option is to pour it into a jar , add unwanted food crumbs and a length of string , refrigerate and hey presto ! - Bird cake to hang from the washing line .
- 很难相信,就是这些细小的碎屑,自古以来便让人类如痴如狂,但这就是黄金的历史实际上,黄金的价格一直是某种全球性的支配力量。
- It 's hard to believe that crumbs like these have obsessed humankind through the ages , but such is the history of gold indeed , the price of gold , which has become a parallel global power of sorts .
- 我已有过面包屑进入我的键盘的教训。
- I 've been guilty of this and have the crumbs in my keyboard to prove it .
- 在较贫穷的国家,很多宠物仍然依赖餐桌上的残羹剩饭为生,狗粮本身就是一种奢侈品。
- In poorer countries , many pets often still live off table scraps , making dog food itself a luxury product .
- 我们不会接受一种社会现实其中,一些个人拥有大量财富,而其他人则被迫从垃圾中寻找残渣冷汁.
- We would never accept a society reality in which some individuals possessed vast riches while others were forced to scrounge for scraps amid the refuse .
- 他们还有一些以前的面包渣.
- They had some scraps earlier .
- 你认为消费者会在乎平板电脑里安装的是Tegra3处理器还是英特尔芯片吗?
- Do consumers care whether they have a tegra 3 processor or an intel chip inside a tablet ?
- 但从我们的观点来看,这看上去不会对芯片业务有多少影响。
- But from our point of view it doesn 't look like there 's much impact on the chip business .
- 同时,支持高端笔记本的英特尔(Intel)IvyBridge芯片又将推迟发布时间。
- Intel 's ( intc ) ivy bridge chip , which powers higher-end laptops , is facing a delay .
- 对片状头皮和头皮屑有效。
- Works on flaky scalp and dandruff .
- 用啤酒擦可去头屑。
- To go with beer rub dandruff .
- 有助于身体组织保持青春富有弹性,防治头屑。
- It helps keep youthful elasticity in tissues , and helps treat and prevent dandruff .