- 我能留个口信吗?
- May I l eave a message ?
- 但是让我们离开那个,去另外个约会吧。
- But et ; s eave that to another appontment .
- 他只是说他要和你结婚,为什么他会离开你
- He just sad he ; s gong to marry you . Why woud he eave you ?
- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 那主动放松货币和信贷政策能否阻止硬着陆呢?
- Can aggressive easing of monetary and credit policy prevent this hard landing ?
- 中央银行采用定量放松政策具有很多创新之处。
- Central banks showed plenty of ingenuity with quantitative easing .
- 进一步的宽松政策被广泛期待。
- Further policy easing is widely anticipated .
- 食物价格高的顶破了房顶。
- Food costs are through the roof .
- 举重大礼堂内的屋顶漏着水。
- The weightlifting auditorium has a leaky roof .
- 在印度,看见有人在房顶上放风筝是再正常不过了。
- Flying a kite from the roof is part of everyday life in india .
- 美国联邦储备委员会(fed)和英国央行正在直接购买,降低了供应量过剩的担忧。
- The u. s. federal reserve and the bank of england are buying directly , reducing the supply overhang .
- 过去两年,即便是最旧的散装货船几乎也没有报废,造成老化船只明显过剩。
- The past two years have seen almost no scrapping of even the oldest bulk carriers , leaving a large overhang of ageing ships .
- 现在,经济的巨大拖累是沉重的家庭债务负担,这些负担大部分是在经济泡沫年代家庭所持的5.6万亿美元的抵押贷款造成的。
- The big drag on the economy now is the overhang of household debt largely created by the $ 5.6 trillion in mortgage debt that households took on during the bubble years .