- 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。
- So now when you bend a cigarette it won 't break .
- 臀部以下向前弯曲,使您的胳膊向双脚的方向伸展。
- Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet .
- 他摸着了自己的刀,但是他忘记了自己的手指根本不能弯曲。
- But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers .
- 泰瑟枪用爆裂的高压电使人失去能力,警察得以制服人们又不会造成永久伤害。
- Tasers disable people with bursts of high-voltage electricity , allowing police to subdue them without lasting injury .
- 万幸的是,它并不打算制服人类,而是准许其更好地管理周围环境。
- Fortunately , it is not intended to subdue humans , but to allow them to control their environments better .
- 他们称,不得已之下只能用武力制服了他,因此他们的行为符合《刑事罪行法》(crimesact)。
- They said they only used reasonable force to subdue him and that their actions were in compliance with the crimes act .
- 哦,在日本,日本商人都是通过鞠躬向对方致意的。
- Well , japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in japan .
- 当朝鲜人参观这座铜像的时候,他们会在前面鞠躬然后留下鲜花以示敬意。
- When north koreans visit the statue they bow before it and leave flowers as a mark of respect .
- 他说其中的一个原因也许是亚洲的复合型战弓在当时被认为是最好的。
- He said that one reason could be the asian composite war bow , considered the best .
- 一种解释可能在于一个大脑的部位作为内置的骗子探测器。
- One explanation may lie in a brain region that serves as a built-in crook detector .
- 第二,你要取悦别人之前,还是应该先搞清楚那人是否是个骗子。
- Second , before you start pleasing , it 's worth checking if the person is a crook .
- 政府在网上以3英镑把签名出售给骗子,而骗子又用这个签名来偷了我们的房子,这是一个事实。
- The fact is the government sold a signature online for 3 to a crook who used it to steal our house .
- 它们造成的不公平感是对经济和政治安全的威胁。
- The sense of injustice they engender is a threat to economic and political security .
- 很多不同的团体现在都越来越感到不公正。
- A sense of injustice is now growing in many different groups .
- 腐败官僚们的财富显著增加,加剧了他们的不公平感。
- The conspicuous display of riches by corrupt bureaucrats heightens their sense of injustice .
- 我们刚进公园,便看到旁边有几棵枝干屈曲光滑的紫薇树。
- We just joined the park , we can see next to the trees at the trunk flexion smooth crape myrtle trees .
- 膝关节运动慢性损伤的预防主要应合理科学的编排训练,交替进行不同屈曲度的训练,避免过于集中的腿力训练结构。
- The preventive methods of chronic injury of knee joint should lay emphasis on scientific , reasonable arrangement of training , and training of different flexion should be carried out alternately to avoid centralized leg strength training .
- 弯曲弯曲或屈曲的行为或实例;弯曲。
- The act or an instance of bending or flexing ; flexion .
- 这个景点在柬埔寨很不一般,因为它与柬埔寨昔日的阴暗面无关,而与她历史上的辉煌相连,这个景点就是吴哥窟。
- And unusually for cambodia , it wasn 't related to its haunting past but to its golden days . The site was angkor wat .
- 黄昏时分,泰国叻丕府watkhaocongpran寺院附近一个洞穴中的蝙蝠飞出来寻觅食物。
- Bats from a cave near the wat khao cong pran temple fly out in search of food during dusk in ratchaburi province , thailand .
- 莆田县笏石搬运站。
- Putian county station wat stone removal .