- 许多年来,医生和外行的民众都一直以为患有偏头痛的人只是爱抱怨,或者承受不了压力,要不然就是想要逃避工作。
- For many years , physicians as well as lay people thought people with migraines were just complainers , or didn 't handle stress well , or just wanted to get out of doing something .
- 祭官,或者是为俗人履行家庭仪式和个人圣礼的祭司家族,就像千年前的禁欲者一样,继续起着作用。
- The purohitas , or family priests who performed the domestic rituals and personal sacraments for the lay people , continued to function , as did the thousands of ascetics .
- 大卫起来,到扫罗安营的地方,看见扫罗和他的元帅尼珥的儿子押尼珥睡卧之处;扫罗睡在辎重营里,百姓安营在他周围。
- And david arose , and came to the place where saul had pitched : and david beheld the place where saul lay , and abner the son of ner , the captain of his host : and saul lay in the trench , and the people pitched round about him .