- 但是由于运营船只常常超载并年久失修,翻船事故频繁发生。
- However , due to operators of vessels are often overloaded and poorly maintained , capsize accidents occur frequently .
- 随着年龄的增长,控制肌肉使食物通过消化道的神经细胞将逐渐消亡,尤其是大肠中的神经细胞这也是随着年龄增长便秘会频发的原因之一。
- As we age , nerve cells that control muscles that move food through the digestive tract gradually die off , especially in the large intestine-one reason why constipation may occur more frequently as you get older .
- 独特的地质、地形地貌、水文以及气候条件使得川藏公路然乌至鲁朗段各种山地灾害极其发育,尤其以泥石流灾害最为严重。
- Unique geological , geomorphic , hydrological and climatic conditions cause various kinds of mountainous hazards , especially very serious mudflow hazards , to occur frequently in the rawu-lunang section , sichuan-tibet highway .