- 在地质学中,地壳岩石断裂的一边以可测量的移动到岩石的另一边。
- In geology , fracture in the earth 's crust in which the rock on one side of the fracture has measurable movement in relation to the rock on the other side .
- 而我知道,我的泉源就在《一体两面》之中,就在这贫困和阳光的国度里;我曾在那里度过许多年华,对于它的记忆,直到今天还能使我避开每个艺术家都应该警惕的两种正相对立的危险:怨艾和自满。
- As for myself , I know that my source is in the wrong side and the right side , in the world of poverty and sunlight I lived in for so long , whose memory still saves me from two opposing dangers that threaten every artist , resentment and self-satisfaction .
- 在地质学中,地壳岩石断裂的一边以可测量的移动到岩石的另一边。
- In geology , fracture in the earth 's crust in which the rock on one side of the fracture has measurable movement in relation to the rock on the other side .