- 由于水的蓄热和蒸发作用,可大量消耗投射在屋面上的太阳辐射热,降低屋面温度,减少通过屋面的传热量,起到隔热作用。
- Because the accumulation of heat of water and evaporate fit are used , can use up in great quantities project the sun radiate on roofing is heated up , drop roofing temperature , reduce those who pass roofing to pass quantity of heat , have adiabatic effect .
- 有未嫁者,父方小解,亵物为女所见。
- Have the person that did not marry , agnate pass water , be disrespectful content sees for female place .
- 还有一些工厂采用反渗析技术,使用分子筛(反渗透膜)对海水中导致盐化的钠离子、氯离子等进行去离子化过滤,为达到渗透压力,每立方米海水需要消耗4千瓦时的电量。
- Other plants employ reverse osmosis . This uses molecular sieves that pass water molecules while holding back the ions , such as sodium and chloride , that make water salty . Generating the pressure needed to do this sieving consumes about 4 kwh per cubic metre .
- 我还想象过发明这样一种腰带:系上后就可以随意在天空中飞,并且国会允许我可以像鸟儿那样随时小便。
- But in my imagination I also invented a belt that would allow me to fly and had special permission from congress to urinate like a bird wherever I wanted .
- 有些工作还有辱个人尊严,如病人在地板上撒尿后的清扫工作。
- And there are indignities , like cleaning up after inmates who urinate on the floor .
- 这就意味着,你必须更频繁地排尿,而若发生脱水现象,就会干扰正常的细胞功能。
- This means you have to urinate more , and dehydration can interfere with normal cellular functioning .