- 尾部还没有被完全装配好。
- The tail is not assembled completely .
- 海马有一条短尾巴。
- A hippo has a short tail .
- 为什么恐龙需要一条带斑纹的尾巴?
- Why would a dinosaur need a striped tail ?
- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .
- 智齿是另一个残余物。
- Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant .
- 该星云是超新星的遗迹,是一个大质量的恒星死亡爆炸时的扩散云气形成的。
- The nebula is a large supernova remnant , an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star .
- 这类新古典主义遗迹寇松街车站曾经是1838年开通的伦敦至伯明翰铁路的原终点站。
- This neoclassical remnant , curzon street station , was the original terminus of the london and birmingham railway , opened in 1838 .
- 清单4提供了一个在page元素内容既有页头也有页脚工具栏的例子。
- Listing 4 provides an example of both header and footer toolbars included within a page element .
- 在jquerymobile框架中,工具栏是指页头和页脚元素。
- Toolbar theming in the jquery mobile framework , toolbars are header and footer elements .
- 若要把工具栏定义成页头或页脚,使用data-role属性。
- To define a toolbar as a header or footer , you use the data-role attribute .
- 外固定器牵拉腰椎对马尾诱发电位及功能的影响。
- The sep and functional changes of cauda equina effected by external fixator traction in lumbar area .
- 肿瘤位于脊髓圆锥者占46例,位于马尾者占37例。
- The tumors located in the conus medullaris with 46 cases . And located in the cauda eqina with 37 cases .
- 结果:腰骶部椎管内肿瘤以多种方式栓系脊髓和圆锥,其临床表现兼有马尾综合征及圆锥综合征的特征。
- Results : lumbosacral intraspinal canal tumour tethered cord and conus in many ways . Its clinical manifestations included the features of cauda equina syndrome and conus syndrome .