- 这个坐位前屈体式从跟腱开始拉伸,伸展了腿部后侧和骨盆,一直向上延展脊椎到颅底。
- This seated forward bend stretches a muscle chain that begins at the achilles tendon , extends up the back of the legs and pelvis , then continues up along the spine to end at the base of your head .
- 然后,在去除最高和最低的利率值之后,计算得出询价结果的平均值。
- The results were then averaged , with the top and bottom rates thrown out .
- 从底部让它竖起来。
- Put the bottom straight up .
- 政府的社会保障网络阻止了收入底层的崩溃。
- The government safety net prevented a collapse at the bottom .