- 许多中老年顾客更多选择以喝樱桃汁、吃樱桃或买酸樱桃片的方式来减轻关节炎引起的疼痛,而不去买非处方药。
- Many middle-aged and elderly consumers are choosing to drink cherry juice , eating cherries or consuming tart cherry pills rather than take over-the-counter medications to stave off the pain of joint inflammation .
- 运动24小时后,喝了酸樱桃汁的那组运动员的肌肉功能恢复了90%,而对照组运动员的肌肉功能仅恢复了85%。
- Twenty-four hours after the workout , those drinking the tart cherry juice regained 90 percent of their muscle function , while the control group regained only 85 percent of muscle function .
- 一道菜可以是鲜美的、甜的、酸的或者咸的。
- A dish may be savory , sweet , tart or piquant .
- 辛辣的催泪弹从两侧的街道上四处飘散,安全部队驻扎在那里以防抗议者靠近内政部。
- Acrid tear gas drifts from side streets where security forces prevented protesters from reaching the nearby ministry of interior .
- 但是撇开科学,这种辛辣的防腐剂利用了社会不安全感一路闯进了美国大众的嘴巴里。
- But science aside , the acrid antiseptic won its way into the mouths of the american public by way of social insecurities .
- 泻根属卷须状藤蔓植物,有大叶子和小花,其辛辣的汁液有催吐和催泻作用。
- A tendril-bearing vine of the genus bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties .
- 债券价格暴跌的直接原因似乎源于意大利政坛错综复杂的世界,而且特别是,总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼(silvioberlusconi)和财政部长朱利奥特雷蒙蒂(giuliotremonti)之间就紧急预算条款展开了尖刻而白热化的争执。
- The immediate cause of the sharp fall in bond prices seems to have been rooted in the byzantine world of italian politics , and in particular , an acrimonious spat between silvio berlusconi , the prime minister , and giulio tremonti , the finance minister , over provisions in an emergency budget .
- 刻薄的俄国与乌克兰之间的天然气战已经持续一周之久,现在欧盟已经放弃先前不干预的做法。
- The european union has now dropped its hands-off approach to resolving russia 's acrimonious , week-old gas war with ukraine .
- 经过数日尖刻辩论,孤注一掷的,卡扎菲军队推进到距离班加西不到100英里,安理会授权成员国“采取必需措施”保护平民,并且外交要求军事行动。
- After days of often acrimonious debate , played out against a desperate clock , as colonel qaddafi 's troops advanced to within 100 miles of benghazi , the security council authorized member nations to take " all necessary measures " to protect civilians , diplomatic code words calling for military action .