- 画面中的深浅区域过渡是平滑还是锐利?
- Is the light / dark gradient smooth or sharp ?
- 特别是有许多锋利的刀具。
- Especially a lot of sharp knives .
- 用锋利的刀来防止损伤。
- Use a sharp knife to avoid damage .
- 那刺耳的门铃声仍然在我的耳中回响。
- The shrill of doorbell still returning to my ears .
- 但是,双方都必须设法给紧张局势降温,而不应被刺耳的民族主义者所绑架。
- But both must find ways of cooling tensions and sidelining the shrill elements of nationalism .
- 这个词组是在2008年俄格战争之后,由俄罗斯总统德米特里梅德韦杰夫杜撰的,那时俄国的花言巧语真是到达了刺耳的水平。
- The phrase was coined by dmitry medvedev , russia 's president , in the aftermath of the 2008 war with georgia , when russian rhetoric reached shrill levels .
- 玛丽对芭蕾舞有着强烈的爱好。
- Eg. mary has a keen interest in ballet .
- 我一种强烈的做一名教师的愿望。
- Eg. I have a keen desire for being a teacher .
- 投资者也对经济型廉价酒店显示了强烈的兴趣。
- Investors are also showing keen interest in economy hotels .
- 切割往往始于一种冲动。
- Cutting often begins on an impulse .
- 我们利用机器人来做许多危险的切割工作。
- Our robot does much of the dangerous cutting .
- 许多医院已经开始削减预算。
- Many are already cutting budgets .