- 整形医师chuajunjin说来进行这项手术的有很多职业女性,包括已婚的单身的。
- Cosmetic surgeon dr chua jun jin said that most of those opting for the procedure were professionals , both single and married .
- 卫生部疾控中心精神卫生处处长严俊(yanjun)拒绝了媒体多次要求采访的请求。
- Yan jun , director of the mental health division of the ministry of health , refused repeated requests for an interview .
- 作为捍卫乙肝病毒携带者权利的主要活动家,陆军(lujun)也有政府对其刁难的经历。
- Lu jun , a leading campaigner for the rights of hepatitis b carriers , has also first-hand experience of official harassment .