- 这位经常保持沉默的迪金斯先生的言论一经发布,便得到梅尔达甘长期任职于以对外情报机构摩萨德的前领导人的支持。
- The usually taciturn mr diskin 's remarks were promptly endorsed by meir dagan , a long-serving past director of mossad , the external intelligence service .
- 在他开车离开前,我母亲把他叫到身边教他如何使用洗碟机,他却沉默得近乎粗鲁。
- Before he drove away , my mother took him aside and showed him how to run a dishwasher . He is taciturn to the point of being rude .
- 他指定的国务卿希拉里.克林顿、当选副总统乔.拜登和外交政策专家都一反常态的在这件事上保持了沉默。
- Hillary clinton , his designated secretary of state , and joe biden , the vice-president-elect and foreign policy expert , have also been uncharacteristically taciturn on the subject .