- 这小鬼是不是彻头彻尾地邪恶了?
- Is the imp altogether evil ?
- 你后面的那个卫兵是谁?还有那只小鬼是做什么的?
- Who is that guard behind you ? And what is that imp doing here ?
- 小淘气鬼只需要动一下手指,就能马上得到关注。
- The little imp only has to click her fingers to get instant attention .
- 他们看到她就好像她看到自己那升降梯里的小妖精一样。
- And they looked at her as if she had seen her own goblin in the elevator .
- 如果每个小精灵都能走上法庭要求获得赔偿,就没有了那种兴奋感。
- If every goblin could go to court to seek compensation , the thrill would be gone .
- 扮演一个自己的小屋可能会被野蛮的游牧部落肆意烧毁的小精灵,是件有趣的事情。
- It is fun to play a goblin whose hut is at risk of being burned down arbitrarily by a barbarian horde .