- 就在这颗小行星毁灭的瞬间,整个几经死亡气氛笼罩的地球,终于重新焕发出崭新的一片勃勃生机!
- On in this planetoid deconstruction instantaneous , entire several passes through the earth which the death atmosphere covers , finally glows brand-new fulls of vitality !
- 就这样,黄区长官黄金龙和新任黑区长官黑必胜,带领着斗志昂扬的第一星际梯队,向一团太空旋风一样,向遥远的宇宙深处,冥王星面向来袭小行星的轨道进发。
- Then , huang qu senior official yellow jinlong and the incumbent black area senior official black must win , is leading the fighting spirit spirited first interspace echelon , is same to a group outer space tornado , to the remote universe deep place , pluto faces raids the planetoid the track to set out .
- 我们也许会没能成功地减轻小行星和彗星碰撞所带来的威胁。
- Perhaps we 'll fail to mitigate the threat posed by asteroid and comet collisions .
- 来自奥尔马天文台的斯科特.万利将30年的小行星探索可视化。
- Scott manley of the armagh observatory visualized 30 years of asteroid discoveries .
- 500英尺直径的小行星可能毁灭整个大都市,或引发大规模海啸。
- An asteroid 500 feet across could destroy a metropolitan area or spawn massive tsunamis .