- 我们谈话时我感到我对乔治一向太刻薄了。
- I felt as we talked that 1 had been ungenerous to george .
- 虽不固定、但数目不小的津贴。
- An irregular but not ungenerous allowance .
- 我在思想上不该偏狭苛求。
- I should not be ungenerous in my thoughts .
- 美国在现金调拔上是小气的。
- Its cash transfers are stingy .
- 为单亲家庭和穷人争取利益的人说,不应该在衰退的时候吝啬。
- Campaigners for single parents and the poor say a recession is no time to get stingy .
- 因为现在的工作经常有带薪假期,看来这种解释不太可能除非你很小气。
- Since the current job comes with frequent paid holidays , that is unlikely unless you are being especially stingy .