- 一家卖毒蜡烛的店铺前挂着块旧木头街牌,告诉他这是翻倒巷。
- An old wooden street sign hanging over a shop selling poisonous candles told him he was in knockturn alley .
- 和早期叮砰巷的乐手一样,应用程序开发行业如今也向几乎所有拥有好点子的人敞开着怀抱。
- As with the songsters of earliest tin pan alley , the apps business now is open to virtually anyone with a good idea .
- 更糟糕的是,哈利可以看出,满是灰尘的商店橱窗外那条阴暗狭窄的小巷,肯定不是对角巷。
- Even worse , the dark , narrow street harry could see through the dusty shop window was definitely not diagon alley .
- 历史是由胜利者书写的。
- History is written by the victors .
- 他是由亲戚抚养长大的。
- He was raised by relatives .
- 请用电话和我联系。
- Please contact me by phone .
- 我们都想获得成功。
- We all want to succeed .
- 而这与我们所有人息息相关。
- This matters to all of us .
- 这一切全部始于意识。
- It all starts with awareness .
- 含有天然生成的维生素e和维生素c的食物有抗氧化作用。
- Foods with naturally occurring vitamin e and vitamin c have an antioxidant effect .
- 电子墨水是非常适合阅读,但又存在严重缺点的电子书屏幕技术。
- E ink is satisfying to read but deeply flawed technology for e-book screens .
- 但亚马逊依然明显地在新款金读的电子屏幕上花了很多时间进行优化。
- Still , amazon has clearly put a lot of time into refining the new kindle 's e ink screen .