- 据一位名为玛利亚佩雷拉的老师讲,每到发薪日,一车车的建筑工人来到城里喝酒打架,持刀杀人现象很普遍。
- On payday , says maria pereira , a teacher , busloads of construction workers hit town to drink and fight . Knife-killings are common .
- 不过,若是来一场持刀对战的话,它们肯定会输给狡诈的乌鸦兄弟的。
- However , in a knife fight , the pigeon would probably lose to its craftier crow brother .
- 在马里兰饭店工作的两兄弟因为工作上的分歧发生争吵,最后就演变成一场真刀真枪的打斗。
- Two brothers employed at a maryland restaurant argued over their job duties , which resulted in a knife fight .