- 令小和尚深感意外的是那个女孩也欣然接受了他的情书。
- Making those who feel accident small bonze is deep is that girl also jump at his love letter .
- 终于有一天,小和尚耐不住寂寞了,偷偷给尼姑大学的一个女孩写了一封情书。
- Eventually one day , small bonze is unable to bear loneliness , a girl that gives nun the university secretly wrote a love letter .
- 当谷歌决定将一个小的内容提供商从他的广告服务中剔除出去时,它只会发出一封电脑生成的邮件。
- When google decides to evict a small web publisher from its ad service , it sends a computer-generated form letter with the bad news .