- 在佛教传统中,弥勒为未来佛,后来主要受到波斯的影响,产生了救世主思想和功德转让思想,这与佛教小乘自力解脱的思想大相径庭,是佛教史上的一大转变和进步。
- Maitreya is a buddha dominating future in the buddhism tradition , afterwards saviour and beneficence transference thought was generated when it was influenced by persia . Maitreya faith was apparently distinct from buddhism thought of hinayana self-extricating and was a great transition and progress in buddhism history .
- 阿昌族信仰小乘佛教,会街原属宗教集会。
- Achangzu belief will street hinayana buddhism , which belonged to religious gatherings .
- 有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。
- There is evidence of the existence of some hinayana buddhism of the sanskrit canon .