- 我的心里藏了一个小丑。
- There is a clown in my heart .
- 小丑用夸张的动作把门打开。
- The clown opened the door with a flourish .
- 你还记得自己曾被小丑吓到了吗?
- How you were frightened by the clown
- 你不会希望自己因为像喝醉的小丑一样从屋顶上摔下来搞砸了整个聚会而被大家记住。
- You don 't want to be remembered as the guy or girl who ruined the party by falling off the roof like a drunken buffoon .
- 除了为难你,这个小丑能为你的慈善机构做什么呢?
- What does this buffoon do for your charity besides intimidate you ?
- 萨科奇又过于过于活跃,让他看起来像个小丑。
- Mr sarkozy 's hyperactivity has made him look like a buffoon .
- 他已经现出自己正是一个恶棍。
- He has shown himself a very knave .
- 狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。
- A crafty knave needs no broker .
- 我想我可以给你一个愿望,你问它是什么恶棍?
- I suppose I can grant your one desire , what is it you ask knave ?