An easy example comes from their work with caregivers , people who look after chronically ailing spouses or parents ( no one would argue that this role is quite stressful ) .
Deciding on the site for the interrogation was a dilemma for the authorities who wanted to grant the ailing president a degree of privacy and security .
Suddenly I was living in the suburbs , driving myself around , caring for an ailing parent , and gushing over unfathomably cheap groceries .
This was 39 fewer than in 2009 and about half the number reported in 2006 when raul castro replaced fidel castro , his ailing brother .
North korea , a past master of pageantry , has staged a spectacular coming-out ceremony for its leader-in-waiting , kim jong un , while making it clear that his ailing father kim jong il , remains very much in command .
He describes how he gave up his cooking job to look after his ailing mother in 2007 . When he started to look for work again a few months later , he could find only a part-time job , which soon evaporated .
And the american pet products association estimates that pet owners will spend almost $ 48 billion on their pets . Just under $ 24 billion of that will be spent on medicine and veterinary care , as more americans than ever before open their wallets to spring for treatments for an ailing animal family member .