- 画一个大的框还是小的?
- Make broad strokes or small ones ?
- 骑车上班带来了一个小的风险。
- Riding to work poses a small risk .
- 许多物种能自然地产生少量的烃类。
- Many species naturally make small amounts of hydrocarbons .
- 政府对于政策改变有很少的灵活性。
- Governments have little room for manoeuvre .
- 复杂的病情得到的关注太少。
- Complicated cases get too little attention .
- 在新加坡,水资源很少浪费。
- Little is wasted in singapore .
- 两个年青人在随后的抗议活动中中枪身亡。
- Two young men were shot dead in the protests that followed .
- 可是,这些年幼的孩子表现的是怎样的真实的自我呢?
- But what true self are these very young children expressing ?
- 特别年幼的儿童也能感觉出一个曲调或和声是否正确。
- Very young children can tell if a tune or harmony is not quite right .
- 比如,假若法庭裁决有爱情存在的话,与未成年人的性关系有时是被宽恕的。
- For instance , sexual relations with a minor is sometimes excused if the court rules there is love .
- 他成了一个小职员。
- He became a minor clerk .
- 小面积停电频繁发生。
- Frequent minor blackouts are common .