- 巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。
- Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf .
- 高筑铁丝围栏环绕着整个建筑。
- A high wire fence circles the building .
- 如果小狗咬坏了通电的电线,它们就会被电着了。
- If they chew through to a live wire they could get shocked .
- 一名来自东华大学的参赛者创作了这件独特的产品:索尼指挥棒电视遥控器。
- One of the participants from dong hwa university came up with this unique creation called the sony conductor tv remote .
- 顶级的高级指挥家每周的收入可以达到5万美元。
- A top senior conductor can make $ 50000 a week .
- 作为一名成功的指挥家,他很少有时间进行创作,大部分的作曲工作都是利用夏季在一个奥地利湖畔边休假时完成的。
- As a successful conductor he had little time to compose , fitting most of it in during long summer breaks spent by an austrian lake .