- 指修生的信仰旅程,透过明辨及人格与灵修发展的过程,经验到对天主的召叫之欢欣回应。
- We mean a journey of faith in which a seminarian experiences a joyous response to god 's call through the process of discernment , human and spiritual development .
- 对于《经济学人》一定会冠以“悲观贩子”甚至更难听的“末日预言家”的罪名,我想这就是我的回应。
- And that is , I think , my response to the charge of being what the economist would doubtless call a " gloom-monger " or , even worse , a " doomsayer " .
- 31名非裔美国学生全神贯注地听讲,她用问答方式来帮助他们牢固掌握乘法表,答对问题就在额头上贴一张贴纸,计算他们能在多长时间内把他们的作业堆成一堆(18秒)。
- Her class of 31 african-american students sat spellbound as she led them in call-and-response chants to practice their multiplication tables , pasted stickers on their foreheads for getting questions right , and timed how long it took them to get all their homework into a pile in the first row ( 18 seconds ) .