- 为什么私有企业这么少?
- Why so few private firms ?
- 但似乎很少有人在意。
- But few seem to care .
- 格陵兰人很少读大学。
- Few greenlanders graduate from college .
- 政府对于政策改变有很少的灵活性。
- Governments have little room for manoeuvre .
- 复杂的病情得到的关注太少。
- Complicated cases get too little attention .
- 在新加坡,水资源很少浪费。
- Little is wasted in singapore .
- 几家承包地方政府教育服务的提供商因为对教育业鲜有改善作用,就没有续签合同。
- Several providers of education services to local authorities have not had their contracts renewed after yielding scant improvements .
- 但是支持这两种版本的共和党议员仍然寥寥无几。
- But republican support for either version remains scant .
- 大陆政府没有给私人财产提供足够的法律保护。
- Mainland china offers scant legal protection for private property .
- 几名市政工人身着全套纳粹服装,其中一人还扮上阿道夫.希特勒的标志小胡子,开着插着纳粹标志旗的吉普车穿过中央大街,乏味地提醒人们德国在二战期间占领雅典的事实。
- Several municipal workers in full nazi uniform , one of them with an adolf hitler moustache , drove a jeep flying swastika flags through a central boulevard as a tasteless reminder of the german occupation of athens in the second world war .
- 症状:啤酒无味,你的t恤前面湿透了
- Symptom : beer tasteless , front of your shirt is wet .
- 一天前,普京自己的“副驾”,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫评论道,从人们的痛苦中捞取政治资金,这很庸俗乏味。
- A day earlier , mr putin 's own co-pilot , dmitry medvedev , russia 's president , had remarked that it was tasteless to make political capital out of people 's grief .
- 在管理方面,他采用了雌雄鸽寡居方法。雌鸽在二月中旬进行配对,并且在孵第二窝蛋10天后在实行寡居。
- As for management , both cocks and hens are flown on widowhood , the hens are paired in mid february and put on widowhood after sitting 10 days on the second round of eggs .
- 大概,他并不真正认为寡居是进化论的直接后果,但是他的信,在这里已经达到了我曾在基督徒的信件中一再看到的狂热狠毒。
- Presumably he didn 't really mean to suggest that widowhood could follow directly from my darwinism , but his letter , by this point , had reached that level of frenzied malevolence which I repeatedly recognize among my christian correspondents .
- 她不再焦灼不安地计算她守寡守了有多少周多少月了。
- She no longer anxiously reckoned the weeks and the months of her widowhood .
- 一个寡妇发现她刚租下的房子鬼影憧憧。
- A widow discovers the house she has just rented is haunted .
- 皮莱茨基的遗孀玛利亚2002年去世后也埋葬于此。
- Pilecki 's widow maria who died in 2002 is now buried there .
- 齐亚女士是另外一位于1981年被刺杀的前总统的遗孀。
- Mrs zia is the widow of another former president , assassinated in 1981 .
- 2006年,丧偶的詹达利再婚,现居住在雷诺市郊一个有门卫把守的僻静社区里。
- In 2006 , widowed , mr. jandali remarried and now lives on a cul-de-sac in a gated reno suburban community .
- 在冲突不断的国家,妇女往往年轻就守寡,不得不在战火中和颠沛流离的生活中肩负起照顾子女的重担,她们得不到任何帮助或支持。
- In countries embroiled in conflicts , women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support .
- 该建筑在1982年成为了这家拥有18个房间的新古典主义旅馆,但是它的第一个阶段是1929年被当成寡妇们的公寓楼。
- The 18-room neo-classical inn became a bed and breakfast in 1982 , but its first stint was as an apartment building for widowed women in 1929 .