- 这两个信息并不新鲜。
- Neither message is anything new .
- 我们笑是为了传达讯息。
- We smile to communicate a message .
- 第二个消息发送了rectangle消息。
- The second message sends a rectangle message .
- 在斯多葛哲学家已经忙着寻找自己更深寓言的意义,特别是在荷马的著作。
- The stoic philosophers had busied themselves in finding a deeper allegorical meaning , especially in the writings of homer .
- 其中一种叫寓言地图。
- One type is the allegorical map .
- 但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。
- Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young , aristocratic patrons .