- 贝利表示,自己出生于巴西米纳斯州的贫寒家庭,从小在贫民窟中生活,但是通过不懈的努力最终获得了成功。
- Peli said that he was born in a poor family in the state of minas of brazil and grew up in the barrio , but he succeeded eventually through his persevering efforts .
- 萨帕塔先生是出身于贫苦家庭的一个砖匠,他在2003年一次镇压小规模反对活动的行动中被捕。
- Mr zapata , a bricklayer from a poor family , was arrested in 2003 during a crackdown against cuba 's small opposition movement .
- 杰克出身贫寒。但自从在一家大企业找到一份工作后,他慢慢变成一个穿戴讲究的人了。
- Jack was from a poor family . But after he got a job in a big company , he gradually became a clotheshorse .