- 如此惊人的财富积聚在一个人手中,这有关系吗?
- Does this extraordinary accumulation of wealth in a single man 's hands matter ?
- 有一个便雅悯人,名叫基士,是便雅悯人亚斐亚的玄孙,比歌拉的曾孙,洗罗的孙子,亚别的儿子,是个财主。
- Now there was a man from benjamin whose name was kish , the son of abiel , the son of zeror , the son of becorath , the son of aphiah , a benjaminite , a man of wealth .
- 北海的苏武,那流放于荒山野原的铁血男儿,用不屈与铮铮傲骨作出了最完美的诠释,忘却富贵,成就气节;铭记祖国,造就伟大。
- Su wu the north sea , then in exile in the barren hills of hemosiderosis original wild man , with indomitable characters made with the clank of the most perfect interpretation , forget wealth , achievements integrity ; bearing in mind the motherland , create the great .