- 现代汽车的寿命比较长。
- Modern cars have long lives .
- 但这并不会持续太长时间。
- But perhaps not for long .
- 选民们期待失败历时已久。
- Voters had long expected failure .
- 麦克莱伦此时年仅34岁。
- Mcclellan was thirty-four years old .
- 他们经过了一座旧房子。
- They passed an old house .
- 最佳结婚年龄是多少岁呢?
- How old is the best marriage ?
- 宿务岛菲律宾中部一岛屿,位于雷特和尼古拉斯之间的米沙鄢群岛。麦哲伦于1521年登上该岛。宿务市是东海岸的重要港口。人口490281。
- An island of the central philippines in the visayan islands between leyte and negros . Magellan landed on the island in 1521.the city of cebu is an important harbor on the eastern coast . Its population is490281 .
- 宿雾码头3和4,呼吁所有主要的客轮和地区周围宿雾港仅十五分钟路程。
- Cebu pier 3 and 4 , port of call to all major passenger ferries to and from regions surrounding cebu is just fifteen minutes away .
- 这5名美国人1月6日乘帆船从关岛出发,原定上周日抵达菲律宾宿雾,但5天过去,现在还没靠岸,家属通知关岛当局。
- This five americans on jan. 6 sailing off from guam , the philippines , scheduled to arrive in cebu on sunday , but 5 days in the past , I still have not landed , and the family informed the authorities of guam .
- 距地球436光年的昴宿星团是离我们最近的恒星星团,在天文学家确定更远的天体距离时,它扮演了重要角色。
- At a distance of about 436 light-years from earth , the pleiades is one of the closest star clusters and plays an important role in determining distances to astronomical bodies further away .
- 木星在月亮右上方(在会合之中),灿烂的金星在是佩雷拉宝剑的下面,而昴宿星团却在佩雷拉的头顶。
- Jupiter is to the upper right of the moon ( in conjunction ) , brilliant venus is below pereira 's sword and the pleiades star cluster is at top .
- 在这张经过数字处理的照片中,多重曝光的天体风景经过合成,同时展现了明亮的月球表面和相对较暗的昴星团的细节。
- In the processed digital image , multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to show details of the bright lunar surface along with the pleiades stars .