- 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅;我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。
- Row after row of tall , like everywhere , a stretch of household appliances gem ; we always say a dilapidated cottage , but never leave the yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform .
- 其次是化妆品,再次是家用电器、电子产品和日用品。
- Second is makeup , followed by household appliances and electronics and daily products .
- 他把熊熊燃烧的怒火发泄在凡是看到的任何事物身上,从家人到家电无一幸免。
- He inflicts his raging anger on any target in sight , from family members to household appliances .