- 针对叙利亚平民的屠杀事件层出不穷。
- The slaughter of syrian civilians continues unabated .
- 犹太法律毫不含糊地规定:禁止在屠宰之前击昏动物。
- Jewish law leaves no doubt that stunning animals before slaughter is prohibited .
- 注定要被屠宰的猪往往被紧紧得堆在笼屋不堪的货车后仓。
- Pigs destined for slaughter are often seen crammed excruciatingly tightly in cages on the backs of lorries .
- 北伦敦一家布金斯超市的首席屠宰师盖里辛格尔顿展示一包松鼠肉。
- Head butcher gary singleton displays a package of squirrel meat at a budgens supermarket in north london .
- 正是人们对猪肉的喜爱使肉贩黄汉进对猪肉价的压力表示乐观。
- It 's that sort of devotion that keeps butcher huang hajin sanguine about pressure on prices .
- 我到肉店买些肉下星期天做给你吃。
- I ll buy some from the butcher s and cook for you next sunday .
- 你的生活方式正在杀害你吗?
- Is your lifestyle killing you ?
- 从对史蒂文森先生的杀害开始。
- Begin with the killing of mr stevens .
- 杀死动物只是一个开始。
- Killing is just the kickoff .
- 在没有被正在加工的咖啡香气所覆盖的区域,飘荡着被屠宰的猪的气息。
- The whiff of pigs being slaughtered hangs over those parts not covered by the aroma of coffee being processed .
- 这是历史上最大的一起肉类召回事件,涉案病牛已经早在两年前的2006年2月1日被屠宰。
- It was the largest meat recall in history and included cattle that had been slaughtered up to two years prior , starting feb. 1 , 2006 .
- 当波斯尼亚和达尔富尔无辜的人民遭屠杀时,它给我们大家的良心留下污点。
- And when innocents in bosnia and darfur are slaughtered , that is a stain on our collective conscience .