- 缺乏更加冷静,客观,这样子的一种对事物认识的态度。
- And lack a calm and objective attitude to cognize things .
- 但是,当你透过客观或主观的镜片来看它时,情况就又不同了。
- However , this means different things depending on whether you view it through an objective or a subjective lens .
- 为了实现这个目标,军队的老兵、青年民兵以及其他驻扎在我们城镇乡村外围的人有必要让他们回家去,重新融入我们的社会。
- Towards this objective , amongst other things war veterans , youth militia and others encamped on the edges of our cities , in towns and villages need to be sent home and be reintegrated into out society .