- 有一位受训者试图向一位农民借他的轻型卡车去买烟。
- One trainee persuaded a farmer to lend him his light truck , so he could get cigarettes .
- 在培训期间,您必须有好的方法防止受训者的错误超出您的部门。
- You should have this properly backstopped during the training period so that the trainee 's errors don 't reach beyond your own department .
- 研究人员让护士,见习教师和学员去凭借双胞胎的脸部照片猜测他们的年龄。
- The researchers asked nurses trainee teachers and peers to guess the age of the twins from mug shots .
- 你是什么意思?她今天早上和另外一个学员打架.
- What do you mean ? She got into a fight with another cadet .
- 少年团隶属民安队少年事务部,合共有23支男子支队、6支女子支队及3支混合支队。
- The cadet corps is under the cas youth wing . It has an establishment of23all-male units , six all-female units and three mixed units .
- 数月前,哈里王子就曾冒着惹怒女王的危险违反皇室规矩,在空军训练团一名手臂骨折的女学员的石膏上签名。
- Months ago prince harry risked the queen 's ire when he broke royal rules by autographing the plaster cast of a female air training corps cadet who had broken her arm .