- 这就是米尔沃德划分语句的方式,他依靠一种定音鼓般的声音效果,如同在为动画片中的翻筋斗镜头配音。
- That 's how myhrvold cuts off a lot of his own sentences with what sounds like a kettledrum sound effect for a cartoon somersault .
- 请别移动定音鼓,编鼓,木琴,马林巴琴之外。
- Timpani , chimes , drum set , marimba , xylophone and vibraphone .
- 视频是非常好的,但是这是伤害音乐定音鼓。
- The video is very nice , but this is hurting the music timpani .
- 所以,乐器制造者开始制造较小尺寸的定音鼓要让它的外观和声音听起来更原始。
- Therefore , instrument makers began to create smaller timpani to let the timpani look and sound more original .
- 豚鼠鼓室灌注给药测定外淋巴液中磷酸地塞米松的含量。
- Determination of dexamethasone phosphate in scala tympani perilymph of guinea pig after an administration by intratympanic infusing .
- 鼓膜张肌肌腱切断术对听力的影响。
- Effect of tensor tympani tendon resection on hearing .
- 论证鼓索神经对听骨链重建的作用。
- To demonstrate the effect of chorda tympani nerve used in tympanoplasty .